Thursday, March 19, 2009

Big News!

I'm pregnant!!!  Ha! Ha!  That was a joke (I should have saved that one for April 1st!)  No really, I have great news.  Clark's parents met this week with President Uchtdorf and were called as Mission Presidents in the Raleigh, North Carolina Mission.  They will report July 1st to the mission home.  We will miss them dearly, but are so excited for this new adventure.  We are so proud of you!


faith said...

spencer and i totally fell for it! i guess we're just always up for baby news. :)

Mallory said...

This is SO exciting. We're thinking and praying for you guys.

Andrea, Mrs. said...

Hahahah! I was totally going to add you to my "Pregnant Friends" list. hahahah! Brilliant.

That is sooooo cool about the folks! Hooray!

Tony and Whitney said...

That's so exciting! His parents will be great Mission Presidents.

Jenni said...


My husband's grandparents presided over that mission about 5 years ago and LOVED it! What a fun adventure.
Jenni (vick) smith

Your family is darling!

Tonya said...

you got me for a sec! more power to you...i will be expecting the, Big News, soon!

It's Miller Time said...

How fun! If you ever need some extra love, we are in the same boat! But my parents left last year. It is an adventure for sure!